Employee bike

Our wide selection includes bikes for every employee's needs. As an employee, you decide for what purpose you get the bike.

Company bike purchase

  • Emilia Sport works as a partner of all employment bicycle brokers and, in addition to these, also with other leasing companies.
  • An employee bicycle is a bicycle acquired with the help of a bicycle benefit offered by the employer.
  • The bicycle can be a regular bicycle or an electric bicycle, which the employee can use for any bicycle trip.
  • If you wish, you can use the company bike only for hobby use, commute with it, or do both.

You can get a company bicycle if your employer offers you a bicycle benefit. The employer can offer the benefit in cooperation through different leasing partners, or the employer can buy the employee bicycles.

Where can you get a company bicycle?

Through Emilia Sport, you can get a company bicycle regardless of the service provider. You just look at our selection - or come on site to see - the right bike for you, and we handle the billing directly with the company that offers the company bike benefit.

Ordering a company bike

1. Find the right product for you in the online store or contact sales and we will be happy to advise you on finding the right bike.

2. Choose the right bike model, size and color from the online store. You can also ask sales for help in choosing a size.

3. On the online store's product page, select the checkbox "Employment bike order" and select a contract partner and fill in the other information in the data fields.

4. Find and add the desired accessories and accessories for the same order to the shopping cart. However, make sure you have the approved equipment and supplies before that.

5. Go to the checkout and select "Employee bike order" as the payment method.

6. Fill in the rest of the information and the delivery method.

7. Check that you have filled in the information correctly and selected the correct products in the shopping cart.

8. When you have made the purchase, you will receive an order confirmation by e-mail and a new notification when the bike is ready to be picked up or delivered.

What is the employee bicycle benefit?

The employee bicycle is provided by the employer. The employee bicycle purchased with the employee bicycle benefit can be an electric bicycle in addition to a regular bicycle. An employee can use the company bike for any purpose: for work trips, for hobbies or both.

Usually, the value of the benefit of the employee bicycle is €1,200, but the employee can purchase a more valuable bike if he so wishes. In this case, the employee pays the difference himself.

Company bike purchase - our partner

We cooperate with companies that offer employee bicycle benefits. Below you will find our current partners.

You are in touch if the partner you are using cannot be found in our selection. We always expand our services according to the needs of our customers.


Työsuhdepyörät ovat synnyttäneet varsin positiivisia kokemuksia. Monet työntekijät ovat ilahtuneet mahdollisuudesta saada käyttöönsä laadukas ja kestävä pyörä, joka helpottaa työmatkoja ja edistää terveellistä elämäntapaa. Työsuhdepyörä on myös osoittautunut käteväksi vaihtoehdoksi liikkumiseen, erityisesti kaupunkiympäristöissä, joissa se voi säästää aikaa ruuhkissa ja auttaa vähentämään päästöjä. Anna sinäkin työsuhdepyörälle mahdollisuus ja huomaat, miten se voi tehdä omasta arjestasi sujuvampaa ja virkistävämpää.

An employee bicycle without a leasing partner

Through us, it is possible to get a company bike for companies even without a leasing partner. Stop by the store, send a message to myynti@emiliasport.fi or contact us via the contact form.

Emilia Sport tarjoaa Tampereella ja verkossa työsuhdepyöriä esimerkiksi seuraavien kumppanien kautta: Smartum, Etufillari,Vapaus, Oomi, GobyBike, Etupolku, FleetBike, ePassiBike, 3StepIt, Smartum, Grenke, Suomen Työsuhdepyörä, Nordic Bike Leasingm One Leasing Finland ja Svea.

Emilia Sport Tampereella haluamme tehdä pyöräilystä helppoa ja hauskaa. Meiltä löydät laajan valikoiman erilaisia pyörämalleja, oli sitten kyseessä kaupunkipyöräily, maastopyöräily tai sähköpyöräily.

Asiantunteva henkilökuntamme auttaa sinua valitsemaan juuri sinulle sopivan pyörän ja varusteet.

Ota rohkeasti yhteyttä ja tule tutustumaan Emilia Sport Tampereen maailmaan. Liity mukaan pyöräilijöiden iloiseen joukkoon ja lähde kokeilemaan uusia seikkailuja pyörän selässä.

Tervetuloa Emilia Sport Tampereelle - missä jokainen polkaisu on täynnä iloa ja vapauden tunnetta!