We deliver the bikes fully assembled and adjusted to your doorstep for €59
Delivery of equipment and supplies even on the same day if you order before 12 o'clock.
One of the most important features of a fatbike is its wide tires. The width of these tires offers numerous advantages in off-road driving. Thick tires provide more grip and stability on uneven surfaces such as sand, mud and snow. This makes the Fatbike an excellent choice in demanding condit... Lue lisää >
One of the most important features of a fatbike is its wide tires. The width of these tires offers numerous advantages in off-road driving. Thick tires provide more grip and stability on uneven surfaces such as sand, mud and snow. This makes the Fatbike an excellent choice in demanding conditions where traditional mountain bikes might lose their grip.
Wide tires also distribute the weight evenly over a larger area, which reduces the tires sinking into soft surfaces. This makes the Fatbike especially suitable for use in sand, snow or mud, where ordinary bikes can get stuck or sink.
In addition, the wide tires also offer additional driving comfort. They work like shock absorbers that absorb unevenness and shocks in the terrain. This makes the Fatbike especially pleasant to ride on long trips or on challenging terrains.
The Fatbike has a strong and durable frame that is designed to withstand hard use in off-road riding. The frame is usually made of a light but strong material, such as aluminum or carbon fiber. This makes the Fatbike a durable and reliable choice on trails and slopes.
The strong frame also provides more safety and stability when driving. It is more resistant to shocks and bumps, which reduces the risk of damaging the bike in difficult conditions. In addition, the strong frame also enables the attachment of accessories, such as luggage racks or fenders.
In off-road riding, it is important that the bicycle has efficient brakes that provide reliable stopping in all conditions. Fatbikes usually use disc brakes, which offer excellent braking power and controllability. Disc brakes perform well in wet and muddy conditions, making them an excellent choice for off-road driving.
Efficient brakes are especially important when you are moving at high speeds or skiing on steep slopes. They allow you to control your speed and stop quickly if necessary. When riding conditions can change quickly on the terrain, reliable brakes are an important part of a Fatbike that ensures a safe riding experience.
The popularity of the fatbike has grown due to the many advantages it offers. In this section, we take a closer look at these benefits and why the Fatbike is such an attractive choice for adventurous cyclists.
The Fatbike is designed for off-road riding, which means that it is suitable for a wide variety of terrain. Whether it's a forest trail, a sandy beach or a snow-covered desert, the Fatbike can handle it all. There are no limits to where you can go on the Fatbike, making it a great choice for those who want to explore different landscapes and challenging trails.
Fatbike's wide tires offer exceptional stability and grip in all conditions. On uneven or loose ground, the Fatbike holds its grip better than traditional mountain bikes. This means you can rely on the Fatbike when riding challenging trails or skiing steep terrain. The stability and grip give you the confidence to ride fast and controlled, making the Fatbike a true off-road champion.
Miksi valita fatbike maastoon? Fatbiken leveät renkaat tarjoavat poikkeuksellista vakautta ja pitoa epätasaisissa maastoissa. Fatbike-maastopyörä on suunniteltu erityisesti vaativiin olosuhteisiin, joissa perinteinen maastopyörä voi menettää otteensa.
Fatbike-maastopyörän leveät renkaat: Fatbikeissä on leveät renkaat, jotka jakavat painon tasaisesti suuremmalle alueelle. Se estää pyörää uppoamasta pehmeille alustoille, kuten hiekkaan, mutaan tai lumeen. Tämän ansiosta fatbike-maastopyörä on täydellinen valinta maastoon, jossa tavalliset maastopyörät saattavat juuttua kiinni.
Fatbike-maastopyörät tarjoavat mukavuutta: Leveät renkaat toimivat luonnollisina iskunvaimentimina, jotka pehmentävät epätasaisuuksia ja tärähdyksiä. Tämä tekee fatbikella ajamisesta miellyttävää pitkillä retkillä ja haastavissa maastoissa.
Vahva ja kestävä runko: Fatbike-maastopyörät on rakennettu kestämään kovaa käyttöä. Rungot ovat yleensä valmistettu kevyistä, mutta kestävistä materiaaleista, kuten alumiinista tai hiilikuidusta. Tämä varmistaa, että fatbike on luotettava ja kestävä valinta poluille ja rinteisiin.
Tehokkaat jarrut: Fatbike-maastopyörissä on tehokkaat levyjarrut, jotka tarjoavat erinomaisen pysähtymiskyvyn kaikissa olosuhteissa. Ne toimivat luotettavasti kosteissa ja mutaisissa ympäristöissä, mikä tekee fatbikestä turvallisen valinnan maastopyöräilyyn.
Fatbike-maastopyörän edut: Fatbiken suosio kasvaa jatkuvasti sen tarjoamien monien etujen vuoksi. Fatbike on erinomainen valinta seikkailunhaluisille pyöräilijöille, jotka haluavat tutkia monenlaisia maastoja ja polkuja. Sen leveät renkaat tarjoavat ainutlaatuisen vakauden ja pidon, mahdollistaen hallitun ja turvallisen ajokokemuksen haastavissa olosuhteissa.
Fatbike maastossa: Olitpa sitten ajamassa metsäpoluilla, hiekkarannoilla tai lumisilla aavikoilla, fatbike maastossa suoriutuu kaikista haasteista. Fatbike mahdollistaa monipuolisen maastopyöräilyn, eikä sen käyttöä rajoita maaston vaikeus. Fatbike-maastopyörät ovatkin suosittuja valintoja niiden keskuudessa, jotka haluavat kokea maastoajon huippuhetket olosuhteista riippumatta.
Tutustu fatbike-maastopyöriimme ja koe maastoajon vapaus ja seikkailu! Fatbike tarjoaa vertaansa vailla olevan ajokokemuksen kaikissa maastoissa ja olosuhteissa.
Emilia Sport's online store. Our purpose is to offer our very wide range of bikes and our praised service to customers all over Finland. Our salespeople are iron-hard professionals, even with more than 30 years of experience in the bicycle trade.
Visiting address: Hyllilänkuja 7, 33730 Tampere
Sales: myynti@emiliasport.fi / 050 470 4686
Service: hualto@emiliasport.fi / 040 048 4311
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